Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Naomi Wolf, “The Beauty Myth”

Naomi Wolf is the brain behind this magnificent article. “The Beauty Myth,” is an article that discusses the aspects of feminism. She argues that "beauty" as a normative value, which is socially constructed into patriarchy. It is a social system that determines the male as the head of the household, having authority over women and children. Patriarchy also refers to a system of government by males, and to the dominance of men in social or cultural systems. It determines the content of that construction with the goal of reproducing its own hegemony. Wolf portrays the idea of an "iron-maiden," as a standard that is used to punish women physically and psychologically for their failure to achieve and conform to it. Wolf criticized the fashion and beauty industries as exploitative of women, but claimed the beauty myth extended into all areas of human functioning.

Reference: Wolf, Naomi. "The Beauty Myth." in Bryannan, Laura. (Eds) We've Come A Long Way, Maybe. HarperCollins Publishers: Boston, 1991.

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